Thursday, April 30, 2020

4/30 Thoughtful Thursday

Pray with me while we sing "I Love You, Lord."

Up next:  this is a virtual choir singing "Down in the River to Pray." I am amazed at how this video was made. I know it took many, many hours to produce. I also know that each of these singers were in there own home all across America. If I knew and understood how to make a video like this I'd make one with my choir! I hope you enjoy!

Let me know what you thought about this performance in your comment. Remember to include your name!

If you are having a hard time posting a comment, try clicking on the "Blog Comments" link below. My daughter, an education major at UW-SP gave me some alternate ideas for your comments. If you can make a comment on the post, that's great. If you can't, you can try the link below or email me. Pick whichever works for you and is the easiest!


  1. We liked the videos.Karly Clara

  2. This choir video is pretty cool!

  3. Caden said the choir video is really cool he liked both videos!!

  4. Marta: So many people singing at once. It sounds really cool. She was pointing out where people were from.
    Dominic is busy counting all the faces in this@

  5. that was a cool song when they started to make a lot of people on it.

  6. that was amazing they all are vary talented with beautiful voices. -Iley

  7. i liked the river song

  8. This song is very cool! It is crazy how it is all virtual. That must have been very hard to make the video.

  9. Ana loved the video and how they all appeared.

  10. I tried to sing the song and it was crazy!

  11. that was a neat idea of how more and more people appeared and started singing.

  12. Choir video was awesome. Thanks for sending it. Nica and Quin

  13. We loved that song Kay Lee and Pria

  14. i watched the river song. Aaron Jac

  15. Adam Samson recognized the first song.
