Thursday, April 30, 2020

4/30 Thoughtful Thursday

Pray with me while we sing "I Love You, Lord."

Up next:  this is a virtual choir singing "Down in the River to Pray." I am amazed at how this video was made. I know it took many, many hours to produce. I also know that each of these singers were in there own home all across America. If I knew and understood how to make a video like this I'd make one with my choir! I hope you enjoy!

Let me know what you thought about this performance in your comment. Remember to include your name!

If you are having a hard time posting a comment, try clicking on the "Blog Comments" link below. My daughter, an education major at UW-SP gave me some alternate ideas for your comments. If you can make a comment on the post, that's great. If you can't, you can try the link below or email me. Pick whichever works for you and is the easiest!

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

4/29 Wonderful Wednesday 4th & 5th grade Recorder Lesson

Happy Wednesday, 4th and 5th graders! I have 2 videos for you today. The first is a video of me teaching how to play "Old MacDonald Had a Farm." This is the 5th song in Recorder Karate. If you have not mastered "It's Raining" you should probably go to my post on 4/15 and work on that. Remember that you can play your Recorder Karate songs along with accompaniment tracks by logging in to Recorder Dojo. That information is on my 4/8 post. Anytime you want to record yourself playing any of the Recorder Karate Songs or any other songs, I'd love to hear it!

This next video is fun to watch and listen to. You'll recognize the song - "William Tell Overture." There are 2 instruments playing - a piano and a recorder. Take a listen and remember to comment below.

25+ Best Hug Gif Memes | Sending a Hug Meme Memes, Ghost Hug Memes ......because I miss you all!


I know some of you are having a hard time commenting on my blog so you can use the link "Blog Comments" below instead of commenting on the blog. Let me know if this works better.

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

4/28 Terrific Tuesday PreK-1st Grade Music Lesson

Here is another video about my cat, Mo. It is "Naughty Kitty Cat #2." Grab some instruments so you can play and sing along!

Monday, April 27, 2020

4/27 Movement Monday

Happy Monday! Can you believe April is almost over? I can't! I was hoping we could be back in school today... I'm so sad we won't be in school the rest of the year! Well, here are 2 videos for you to watch. The first is called "Power Shuffle." You should get up and move to this one! The second one is my family and friends singing "Mighty to Save." I know most of you know this one. Sing along if you'd like!

Power Shuffle

Mighty to Save

Friday, April 24, 2020

4/24 Fabulous Friday 2nd & 3rd Grade Lesson

Here is a fun song that you can play an instrument and your kazoo with! Be sure to comment (I'd love to hear what instrument you played) and leave your name. 

Have a Fabulous Friday!!!

Thursday, April 23, 2020

4/23 Thoughtful Thursday

Tonka 💕
I am sad to say that our beloved dog, Tonka, died yesterday. He was with our family for 5 1/2 years. We miss him a lot already! If you would like to pray for me and my family, we'll take your prayers! 

I just recently posted 2 videos about Tonka. The posts were on April 7 & April 14 if you'd like to watch them.

Sing "More Precious Than Silver" and pray with me.

Watch the video "Empty Grave" and comment below. 

More Precious Than Silver

Empty Grave by Zach Williams

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

4/22 Wonderful Wednesday 4th & 5th grade Recorder Lesson

Hello my favorite musicians! Happy hump-day! Do any of you even know what day it is? It's been something - one day runs into the other. These are strange times we're living in right now!

Today I'm sharing one video. I'm teaching you to play "Come, Lord Jesus." Don't forget to practice your Recorder Karate songs too! If you want to record yourself playing one I'd love to see your faces and hear the music! Comment which songs you're practicing and include your name. I miss making music with you all! 🎶

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

4/21 Terrific Tuesday PreK-1st Grade Music Lesson

It's Tuesday! Time for another fun song! This song is not about my dog Tonka. It's about my cat, Mo who you probably remember from my first video about Tonka. The song for today is called "Naughty Kitty Cat." It's about a cat who eats or drinks too much and the food or drink is still on his whiskers! Since Mo is very fat, it's perfect to sing about him! Enjoy the song, sing along and don't forget to comment and leave your name. If you can't comment you can always email me.

Monday, April 20, 2020

4/20 Movement Monday

Happy Monday Everyone!

I found this video on YouTube and thought it was cool because the lady uses items in her house as instruments. I never thought to use a salt shaker or a jar of peanuts as instruments! This video might give you some other ideas for homemade instruments.

Here's a video for you to get up and move to.  Notice the words: "There's a whole lotta change, coming your way, cause like it or not nothing stays the same. So hold on tight and follow real close, God is good and he's in control!" There is much to be thankful for. First, nothing stays the same. That means that this "Safer at Home" order isn't going to be forever!! Second, God is good and he's in control. As hard as it is, we all just need to sit back, trust and let God work. He will bring us through this!

 See if you can figure out the clapping pattern - it's different each time. Remember to leave a comment and include your name! 

If you're unable to leave a comment, you can email me instead. And, if you have a sister or brother and you watch any of the videos on my blog together, only one of you needs to comment but please include both your names so you both get credit for it. 

Have a blessed day!
I miss you all so much!

Friday, April 17, 2020

4/17 Fabulous Friday 2nd & 3rd Grade Music Lesson

Welcome to music class! (Anyone can watch these videos and play along.) 

First, I want you to watch this performance of "Jelly Bean Blues."

Now, I need you to make a kazoo and play it during the song. This video will explain: (Good luck - I couldn't get mine to work!)

Tell me what you used to make your kazoo and if it worked or not. Remember to include your name in your comment!!

Thursday, April 16, 2020

4/16 Thoughtful Thursday

Pray with me while we sing "Sanctuary."

Here is another family band singing "I Know Who Holds Tomorrow" by the Petersen's.

The Petersens are a family band performing full-time in Branson, MO. The band consists of Katie Petersen on fiddle, Ellen Petersen on banjo, Matt Petersen on guitar, Julianne Petersen on mandolin, Karen Petersen on bass, and Emmett Franz on dobro. Visit their website at to learn more about their family.

The family writes: God doesn’t promise that walking with him will be easy, but what he does promise is that every day of our lives is in his hands and we can rest in the hope of his Son, Jesus Christ, who paid the punishment for our sins so that we can have hope and eternity with him! In this season of uncertainty we are so thankful for a loving Savior who gladly takes our worries and bears our burdens so that we can walk one day at a time with eternity in our hearts. He holds tomorrow, and he holds each day in his hands ❤️ Happy Easter. He is risen indeed!

Remember to comment below and make sure your name appears somewhere in the comment!

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

4/15 Wonderful Wednesday Recorder Lesson

I had to record 2 videos because one was too long for the program I was using. The first video is me helping you learn "It's Raining." If you've already learned this song, you can either watch the video and review it or just watch the 2nd video. I teach you how to play "God is so Good" on the 2nd video. If you watch both videos and play your recorder along with me, comment that you watched and did both and you'll get credit for 2 music classes! That means you don't have to check in and comment any more this week! Of course, you still can if you want to.

I'm still receiving comments without names so PLEASE make sure your name appears somewhere in your comment. I can't give you credit for watching if I don't know who you are!

Here is the music for "God is so Good." There are 2 different ones, same music but different notes. I worked with you on the top one, but you can try the bottom one if you want. Just remember that all the "F's" in the song are "F#'s". Look at "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star" in your Recorder Karate music to find the fingering for F#.

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

4/14 Terrific Tuesday PreK - 1st Grade Music Lesson

Happy Tuesday boys and girls!
I'm glad you're joining me today because I have another video and song about my dog Tonka. It's not as funny as the last video because my cat Mo didn't bother me this time. You should have an instrument for this lesson. You can refer to my post on March 30 titled "Coming Soon" for ideas for homemade instruments. Use some creativity and as always, have fun!

Remember to leave a comment below and make sure your name appears somewhere in your comment!

Monday, April 13, 2020

4/13 Let's Get Moving Monday!

I hope you all had a nice Easter. Here is a video of some members of my family singing "Days of Elijah." One of my sisters is playing piano and singing, my other sister is singing and my brother-in-law is playing guitar and singing. The drummer is a friend. Enjoy!

And since today is Monday, here is another fun video to move to!

Have a great day and don't forget to comment!

Friday, April 10, 2020

4/10 Fabulous Friday 2nd & 3rd Grade Music Lesson

Happy Good Friday boys and girls!
Here is a video I made for you to explain what "form" is. You're going to need 3 different instruments to play along with this song. Look around and see what you can find. You can look at my post on March 30 for some ideas. I also give you some ideas in this video. Hope you enjoy!
  Don't forget to comment below!

Thursday, April 9, 2020

4/9 Thoughtful Thursday

Sing along with me and pray for the safety and health of our nation. Click the link below:

If We All Said a Prayer

Here's a video I found of a family singing "You Are My All in All." Sing along if you want, or just listen.

Did you enjoy this video? Remember to comment below!

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

4/8 Wonderful Wednesday 4th & 5th grade Recorder Lesson

Hi 4th and 5th graders!

Thank you to those of you who are commenting on my blog. The only ones I've heard from so far is: Maddy, Zac and Lindsey. Remember, you need to comment on two blogs a week to get a passing grade for music class!

Today's lesson is going to simply be this: practice your recorder! Review a few songs that you've already passed and practice the next song you're on. Starting next week I will post a video of me helping you learn a new song that's not in the Recorder Karate packet. I'm sharing a link with you of the recorded music for each of the 9 Recorder Karate songs. This link contains the same recordings that I have on the CD I use in music class.

  1. Click the link above
  2. Scroll down to find "Recorder Karate"
  3. Click "Practice Online"
  4. Your user name is: Karate
  5. Your password is: rubric
  6. Choose which recording to practice with. The full performance is accompaniment and recorders on the recording. The accompaniments fast and slow are just accompaniments. The concert versions are just 3 of the songs with different and nicer accompaniments.
  7. If you save your user name and password, you may be able to avoid steps 4&5 the next time you log in.
Comment below and tell me what songs you practiced on your recorder today and if you played them with the recordings. Try to practice at least 3 songs. If you're able, you can record yourself playing the next song you want to test for. Email me the video ( and I can let you know if you earned the belt! Happy practicing!

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

4/7 Terrific Tuesday K & 1st Grade Music Lesson

Here is a video of me singing a song about my dog Tonka. You can watch and sing along!

Don't forget to comment!

Monday, April 6, 2020

4/6 My blog Expectations, Schedule and Today's Assignment

Happy Monday everyone! Please read through my expectations, the schedule and blog assignment.


  1. Look at 2 blog posts a week and comment on both. I'd like everyone to pick the day of your grade's lesson plus either Monday or Thursday.
  2. Get up and move, sing along, watch and/or listen to the videos.
Blog Schedule:
Monday - Get up and move Monday (This will be for all students 5K-5th grade)
Tuesday - Terrific Tuesday 5K & 1st grade lesson (This will be a short video of me teaching a song.
Anyone can view but it will be geared towards a younger audience. Preschoolers would enjoy these lessons also!)
Wednesday - Wonderful Wednesday 4th and 5th grade recorder lesson (Specifically for 4th and 5th grades.)
Thursday - Thoughtful Thursday - Sing a prayer and do some listening (All students)
Friday - Fabulous Friday 2nd & 3rd grade lesson (Anyone in other grades can view.)

Today's Assignment:
  1. Get up and move as you watch the video "Give It Away" (below).
  2. Answer the following question: Who are you going to give your love away to today?
  3. 2nd - 5th graders -- Answer this question: If you could experience a zero gravity chamber, would you? Why or why not?

Friday, April 3, 2020

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Thankful Thursday 4/2

I want to start off by saying I am so thankful that I know each of you! I think of you all often throughout the day and I miss you more than words can say. I hope and pray we'll be together again soon.

I am including a song called "The Prayer." It's sung by a dad and his daughter. I think this can be your prayer song for today. Also, you'll find links to the last 2 songs of our Spring Program. I don't think you heard these yet - we didn't have a chance to get to them in music class.

Remember to comment below!

Kindness (start at 5:46)

For You I Am Thankful - Hello Creative Family

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Happy Wednesday!

Happy Wednesday boys and girls! Here are the next 2 songs for our Spring Program. And, St Edward School Choir members - I put links for the choir songs on the Choir page. Again, comment below so I know who's watching! Thanks and have a great day!